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Stronger Together Winter 2024

Writer: aomikikuchiaomikikuchi

Title:  Moment Female Mosquito being Smashed


Media: Wire, Cotton, Goose  Down, Silk Organza, Pigment, Resin

Dimension: 5cm cube 

I made a series of work on the theme of mosquitoes that are smashed after sucking human blood. Mosquitoes usually live by sucking nectar and grass juice. Sucking human blood is a life-threatening act of  pregnant female mosquitoes, to supplement the proteins needed for spawning. It's unpleasant to be bitten by a mosquito, but I hope that knowing that will make us a little more forgiving and that it will lessen the dislike towards mosquitoes.

Title: Pixel Weaving August 4 1962


Media:Wool Yarn

Dimension:1.6x1.7m 63” x 67”

Weaving is one of the means of producing my works. I also take and edit digital photographs for documentation of my work.

A digital photograph is made up of squares called pixels. The weave also consists of a grid of warp and weft threads. Inspired by the similarity of these two structures, I created a unique work called "Pixel Weaving".

Instead of developing the photo on paper, I woven the color of each pixel of the digital photo into 3 cm squares and stitched them together.

This work is based on a monochrome image of Marilyn Monroe's face. She was active in the brilliant world of cinema, but she died at the age of 36. She is one of the icons that comes to mind when I think of my artist statement, the impermanence of this world. I think that her life was a life in which she made many sacrifices to satisfy the desires of others.

Title: Choice


Dimension:40”  x 20” x 10” ,100cm x 50cm x 25cm

Material: Three Layered Silk Organza, Acid Dye, Pigment

Method: Original based on Yuzen Dye

Goldfish represent Japanese, Coke and sneakers represent American culture. Goldfish was bred and changed its form. Once chosen and abandoned sneakers, cans and the goldfish depict egoism of humans. Coke Zero was made to excuse humans to drink it. These were made by humans’ desire.


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